Combined Laparoscopic liver and right colon resection

Laparoscopic Assisted Whipple

Laparoscopic Assisted Whipple

Laparoscopic Assisted Whipple

Cystgastrostomy for pancreatic pseudocyst

Laparoscopic Assisted Whipple

Distal pancreas resection

Segment 7 liver resection

Laparoscopic Assisted Whipple

Segment 7 liver resection

Segment 8 liver resection

Segment 7 liver resection

Segment 7 liver resection

Distal pancreas resection with Spleen preservation

Segment 6 Liver resection

Segment 4/5 Liver resection

Segment 6/7 resection

Left hepatic lobectomy

Segment 8 Liver resection

Left hepatic lobectomy

Segment 8 Liver resection

Segment 7 resection

Segment 6 Liver resection

Segment 6 Liver resection

Segment 6 Liver resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Left hepatic lobectomy

Cystgastrostomy for pancreatic pseudocyst

Distal pancreas resection with Spleen preservation

Segment 8 Liver resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Segment 6/7 resection

Segment 2/3 resection

Segment 6/7 resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Caudate lobe resection

Laparoscopic assisted Whipple

Segment 7 liver resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Segement 6/7 resection

Segment 6 Resection

Segment 7 liver resection

Segment 6 Liver resection

Segment 4 Liver resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Distal pancreas resection

Distal pancreas resection with Spleen preservation

Right hepatic lobectomy

Segment 2/3 liver resection

Caudate lobe resection

Laparoscopic assisted Whipple

Choledochocyst resection and reconstruction

Segment 7 liver resection

Segment 6 Liver resection

Periportal tumor

Segment 7 liver resection

Right hepatic lobectomy

Segment 6 resection

Segment 6 liver July 30 2024 1Sling on liiver
Segment 6 liver July 30 2024 2Division of liver tissue, exposure of portal branch
Segment 6 liver July 30 2024 3Completed resection
Mesenteric canaldivision of ligament of Treitz, mobilization distal duodenum and proximal jejunum
GDAExposure gastroduodenal artery
Neck of pancreasDivision neck of pancreas
ch1_image_001Kocherization duodenum
ch1_image_002Mobilization gastroduodenal artery
ch1_image_006Divided neck of pancreas, exposure superior mesenteric & portal vein
Whipple June 4 IVCWidely Kocherized duodenum with view of vena cava and aortaWhipple June 4 20244 inch incision
Patient with biliary pancreatitis, developed large pseudocyst, delayed presentation 3 months later.
Cystgastrostomy 2 2024jpgLaparoscopic ultrasound guided cystgastrostomy
Cystgastrostomy 3 2024Completed closure of cysgastrostomy
Whipple June 11 2024 incisIncision 2 months post-op
Pancreas Distal panc 4:24
Mildly symptomatic 6-7 complex pancreas tail mass, biopsied showing fibrosis, followed for a year, increased in size on follow-up imaging
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
A. Mobilize duodenum B. Tumor invading duodenum C. Separating duodenum from vena cava D. Divide Ligament of Trite E. Gastroduodenal Artery F. Dividing stomach
AWhipple KocherBWhipple tumorCWhipple vena cavaDWhipple Lig TrzEWhipple GDAFWhipple stomach

Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
Metastatic colon cancer to liver post chemo
Seg 7 MCRC 2024
Metastatic colon cancer liver post chemo
spleen perserving dist Panc 2024
mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas, pain and weight loss
Seg 6 HCC MASH 2023
Liver cancer compensated MASH cirrhosis
Seg 5:6 GB Ca
Gallbladder Ca resection and local lymph node dissection
Seg 6:7 hemangiomaSeg 6:7 hemagioma
9 cm symptomatic hemangioma
Echinococcus cor CTLeft lobectomy 2023 echinocc
Symptomatic echinoccocal cyst left lobe of liver
Seg 8 HCC cirrhosis
Post HCV compensated cirrhosis with primary liver cancer
Lap left lobe 2021aLap left lobe 2021bLap left lobe 2021c
Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma: Top: sling around fissure of ligmentum teres and venosum applying gentle traction along Cantile's line, Middle: ultrasonic aspiration transection, Bottom: completed left lobectomy with regional node dissection
Seg 8 mets GIST
Metastatic GIST to liver
seg 7 6 2019bSeg 7 6 2019a
Metastatic colon cancer
Pasted Graphic 3
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
Pasted Graphic 1Pasted Graphic 2
Symptomatic 8 cm hemangioma
Seg 6 resection
Metastatic colon cancer
Pasted Graphic 9Pasted Graphic 8
Metastatic colon cancer to right lobe liver (left division short hepatic vein, right post resection)
left lobe resect
Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma
cystgastrostomy 2022 jpg
No window available for EUS Axios stent
Dist panc mass 1Dist panc pres Spleen
Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas
Seg 8 HCC cirrhosis 2021
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
right lobe resected ad
Metastatic colon cancer to liver
Segment 6:7 2017bSegment 6:7 2017aSegment 6:7 2017c
Paraganglioma in the liver: Top: lifting liver off venacava, Middle: ultrasonic aspiration of resection line, Bottom: completed resection

Segment 2:3 2016aSegment 2:3 2016bSegment 2:3 2016c
Primary liver cancer and compensated HCV cirrhosis: Top: sling in fissure, Middle: staple resection within fissure, Bottom: completed resection
Seg 6:7 resection 2017
Metastatic colon cancer post chemotherapy
vena cava
Metastatic colon cancer (liver separated from vena cava)

Caudate 1Caudate 2Caudate 3
Hepatic adenoma increasing in size
Pasted Graphic 6Pasted Graphic 7
Neuroendocrine tumor head of pancreas

seg 7 4 2014
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
Lap Rt lobe complete
Metastatic colon cancer
Segment 6:7 2015
Primary liver cancer well compensated HCV cirrhosis
Seg 6 5 2017
Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis

Primary liver cancer and hepatitis B surface antigen positive

Primary liver cancer and compensated cirrhosis
Seg 4 resection 3
Metastatic colon cancer
Right lobe
Metastatic colon cancer
Lap tail of panc1bLap tail of panc1a
Mutinous cystic neoplasm increasing in size with high CEA
Lap Panc wo spleen
Right hepatic vein
Metastatic colon cancer to liver (umbilical tape between right and middle hepatic vein)
lap left lobe
Metastatic colon cancer
Primary liver cancer HCV infection
Whipple lap assisted
choledochocyst 6choledochocyst 8
cirrhotic seg 7 2cirrhotic seg 7 2 post
Primary liver cancer and compensated HCV cirrhosis
segment 6 Mar 2015asegment 6 Mar 2015b
Metastatic colon cancer
Posterior portal tumor
Ovarian cancer metastasis posterior to portal vein post chemotherapy

Seg 7 adenoma
Hepatic adenoma increasing in size
Right lobe 2011jpg
Metastatic colon cancer
seg 6 2 2012
Hepatic Adenoma